Conor McGregor meluahkan kemarahannya terhadap kebodohan wabak koronavirus baru (Covid-19) apabila mendedahkan kematian ibu saudaranya akibat masalah pernafasan.

Bintang UFC dari Ireland itu menggunakan media sosial untuk memberi penghormatan kepada ibu saudaranya sambil menyatakan kekhuatirannya mengenai penularan Covid-19 di seluruh dunia.

Eropah telah mengisytiharkannya sebagai pandemik dengan hampir 100 kes telah disahkan di Ireland termasuk satu kematian -- wanita tua yang mempunyai masalah kesihatan.

McGregor, bagaimanapun, tidak menjelaskan sama ada ibu saudaranya mati secara langsung daripada wabak itu tetapi atlet berusia 31 tahun berkenaan -- muncul di televisyen Amerika Syarikat (AS) ketika memaklumkan berita tersebut -- menyeru semua orang agar bersama-sama memberinya perhatian.

Ireland you amazing, amazing country. I believe we have this virus contained. And through this containment, we actually may have gone and contained them all. The good habits we will have now gained from this wild covid-19 attack will see us too strong in future. Hand hygiene. Touching of own face hygiene. Consistent thorough cleaning of handled areas hygiene. What we should really be all doing anyway. I have always been on with my hand hygiene. But not enough. If I think of all the people approaching to shake hands and what not. I often get people say to me please I don’t want a picture, just let me shake your hand. And I’m like yes friend thank you. As it’s more efficient than taking a full picture. But it’s too careless. And too frequent. Touching my own hand to my face as well. Too unaware of the frequency I’d do it. Until now. I’d train my ass off, to the point of low immunity. It’s inevitable with the intensity of the training. The immune system will be tested. I would float around in this manner, and always end up catching little colds and flus. I feel bullet proof right now though! I’m switched on like a motherfucker now. Stay vigilant on our personal hygiene people. And our personal space. God speed to us all ❤️ We are not there yet but we are well on our way. On our way in a big way! To the people of the world. We will do this! We are doing this! It’s done. We did it. Congratulations! Oh And it’s summer time now too. Wow! Oh and Who am I fighting. ... These photos are from a few days ago at a studio in Dublin’s City centre. I was to announce to the world my @properwhiskey donation to @Tunnel2Towers. A great day! A proud day, I brought my family with me to the studio. Sitting in the chair about to beam live to all the U.S morning talk shows, I get a phone call telling me that my lovely little auntie Anne had passed away. I couldn’t go live anymore. My poor little friendly loving auntie. My mother’s sister. This stupid fucking virus. What the fuck is happening. I took my family to bull island. Looked out at the sea. Took a deep breath. Thank fuck! Lord thank you ? Stay tight people! We are all we got ❤️ Rest in Peace Anne Moore I love you

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"Ketika duduk di kerusi sebelum bersiaran secara langsung dalam satu program sembang pagi di AS, saya menerima panggilan telefon yang memberitahu bahawa ibu saudara saya, Anne, telah meninggal dunia," katanya di Instagram.

"Kemudian saya tidak dapat muncul secara langsung. Kasihan ibu saudara kesayangan saya yang mesra itu. Wabak bodoh ini. Apakah yang terjadi.

"Saya membawa keluarga saya ke pulau untuk melihat ke laut, menarik nafas panjang.

"Teruskan bersatu hati. Kita semua saling menyayangi. Bersemadilah dengan aman Anne Moore, saya sayangkan awak."

McGregor, yang kembali ke kancah UFC dengan kemenangan ke atas Donald Cerrone Januari lalu, berkata dia lebih mudah terdedah ekoran rejim latihannya.

"Saya akan berlatih sehingga ke tahap imunisasi yang rendah. Ia tidak dapat dielakkan berikutan ketekalan latihan saya," katanya di media sosial.

"Sistem imun saya akan diuji. Selalu saya akan mudah mendapat selesema dan kurang sihat sedikit.

"Jagalah kebersihan dan ruang peribadi sendiri."